Friday, December 17, 2010

:: Satisfied ::

1st Try, but satisfied.
haaa... ak try wat pancake td. haha!

menjadi la jugak walaupun ade gak yg terrr.. hangit skit coz ak masak smbil tengok tv. hahaha!
but, overall... quite satisfied with the result. [ at least, i'm trying to make it all by myself. :)]
rasa... hmm.. bleh tahan la.. haha!
since ak wat terkejut tergempaq td, so no syrup la.. honey, xlalu seyh..
so, semalam kan ak watkn kek coklat moist untuk majlis my lil sis kat sekolah tu, so that moist still ade lebihnye.. da tu, makan je la ngan moist coklat tu kn.. kn.. haha! :)
hmm.. agak berpuas ati. walaupun, people might say.. "ala.. wat pancake je pn.. snang je kot.."
but for me, it's quite meant a lot coz i did it by myself. at least, i know how to make it, right? hehe.. :)
but biasa la, 1st try kn.. mna leh perfect sgt kn.. but, it's ok. still can try lagi. :) [positif. always. :)]
here the picca of my 1st homemade pancake. prepared by me. :)

haaa.. ni la homemade pancake hasil saye. haha! 
warna tak sekata. tp xpe, t try lg. :)

ni from pandangan tepi. hik2! :)

*credit to my lil sis for taking these picca. :)

later, will try on spaghetti. without.. mama helps. :)
[wondering why i'm eager to cook western dishes. haishh.. nk dpt boypren mat salleh kot.. ooppsss..! hik2! ;P ]
hmm.. tu je kot nk coretkan untuk this post. xde menda yg menarik pon today.
haaa.. forgot la plak.. kek coklat yg ak wat, sekali lagi dapat pujian. [OMG! i know i'm good at it. haha! terperasan la plak. *dlm ati : "down to earth intan.. down to earth.. huhu.." ]
thanx to my lil sis.. hmm, tak de yg nk order ke?? hahaha! :)
my lil sis bwak balik muffin yg mama kawan die wat. cantik la muffin die. 
dalam ati terfikir, "nape ak wat muffin coklat aritu tak jadi camni? nape muffin ak aritu tak pecah kat atas? hmmm.. "

well, tu je kot nk bebel. soon jmpe dlm next post k. till then, daaa~ :)

ChocolatTeddyBear said...
hmm.. arini my lil sis jd baik semacam. i was wondering why.. haha! can see she's quite happy and quite uncontrolled with herself.. hahaha! kidding. :) there's must be something that makes her be like that. :) but its ok la.. coz die jadi rajin wat keje2 umah skit. thanx for helping me clean all the dishes td. haha! :)

Sealed With Hugs And Kissed :

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah..
    i memang good..
    you baru tau ke..
    life must go on.


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