Tuesday, December 21, 2010


There's always a talk about love. 
Seriously. I'm sick of it. =.="
why? maybe coz ak rase ak not ready yet kot.
sometimes, terfikir.. why should ak nak kena ade someone special gak if kawan2 sekeliling ak ad?
perlu ke? nape? tak happy ke kalau S.I.N.G.L.E ? salah ke kalau tak de?
nape? kalau ad, bahagia ke? kalau tak ad tak bahagia?
ak happy je. i have my family. my friends. never felt E.M.P.T.Y.
so, sometimes bile ad kawan2 yg push ak about having a boypren...
i'll just smile. inside my heart, da lame ak bunuh die! haha! kidding. ;)
seriously. don't push me! i don't like it.
i know what i want. i know what i'm doing. it's my life. we have a different life.
this is me. that is you. we're different.
plus, im not that desperate to have someone.
so, kalau tak nak kena sumpah and maki hamun percuma dari ak, baik jangan usulkan benda2 ni. ok?
i will have one when i'm ready enough. when the right time comes. and kalau boleh, tak nak kawan lama2.
*nak macam my mum and dad. :)

bukan tak nak. bukan jugak tak berminat.
ak pn manusia, bukan robot.
rasa nak ad someone special in my life tu mmg la wujud dalam hati nie..
tapi, ak tak ready lagi la to be in a relationship. tolong la faham.
ad banyak lagi benda yang ak nak capai. impian2 ak. banyak lagi benda lain yang nak fikir.
bukan tak ad yg nak.. yang suka and berkenan tu berlambak! [wahhh.. perasan plak. *kembang kuncup idung kembangku.. hiks.. ;)]
tapi ak tolak cara baik.. atas sebab2 tertentu.
termasuk lah sebab ak tak berkenan. [sorie derr.. ak cerewet skit. nak cari bakal suami kott.. bukan for play2 only.]
hahaha! even someone yang mama da berkenan pn ad but ak tak berkenan. so, that's it. [ampun ma... seriously tak boleh blahh ngan die. huhu..]

i'm happy being S.I.N.G.L.E.
but why still ad yg keep questioning about the happiness yg ak rasa?
i'm not pretending. yup. i do happy with my life. no doubt about it.
hidup ak, ak taw la. wekkksss~!

bukan tu je, ad plak yang tak percaya ak S.I.N.G.L.E & A.V.A.I.L.A.B.L.E.
woiitttt... apehal?
antara ayat yg pernah ak dengar dari poyos2 person yg ak pernah jumpa..
" ish.. takkan la orang comel, cantik cam awk ni tak ad boypren?? tak caye lah!! "
*mampus la kalau ko tak caya.. boypren memang tak de, skandal banyak rrr!!! kebanyakkan cam ko, test market je. igt ak pe? anak patung??
*kenapa tibe2 emo ni?? hmmpphh.. gangguan emosi sebentar. siaran tergendala. tteeeeetttttt..!!
*kembali ke siaran sebenar.
hmm, muka ak ni memang muka yg mmg tak leh and takkan pegang status Available ke??
hisshhh.. susah rr cmni kalau semua pikir camtu..
camne nak list calon2 nie?? hahahaha! :))
well, tu la kenyataan. nak kate ak cantik.. cantik ke?? ntah la. 
"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." [betul ke ak tulih nih? ] hak2!
some say yes. some say not.
but my mum said.. " ad rupa la jugak. boleh tahan laa.. "

well, bukan tak pernah in a relationship.
pernah. but hampehhhh...
so, i said gudbye!!
now, Single. ad la gak jatuh2 hati, suka2 orang tapi... tak pernah dapat pn.
dari dulu kott.. haha! sape je yg ak berkenan, yang ak suka.. mesti tak pernah dapt pn.. haha!
so, let it be. haha!

at this moment, i live for my mum and dad. my lil sista. my dreams. my study.
they're my focus and always will be.
jodoh tu ad. btul tak?
and i'm still waiting for the right person to comes..
[uh.. what takes you so long to meet me dear?]
but.. i'll be waiting. i believe there is someone for me.
just its not the time we meet yet. :)

i'll give full attention toward what i have now.
my study. my family. my friends. my dreams.

tu bebelan sal Cinta. Hidup. jodoh. pe lagi?
so, sampai situ je kot.
*just nak luahkan sesuatu yang ad dalam hati ni je. huhu..
till then, daaaa~

ChocolatTeddyBear said...
~ Always akan cari my family whenever ad yang tak kena ngan diri ini. samada sedih, kecewa atau terluka. the best medicine is.. my family. penawar kepada segala penyakit buat ak. nothings yg lebih terbaikkk selain dari dengar kata2 semangat and nasihat from my family. no matter in what condition i was. they're my life. my spirits. really hoping to find someone who is willing to love my family, my mum and dad, my lil sista like i do. :)

Sealed With Hugs and Kissed :
xoxo. :)

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