Thursday, December 16, 2010

:: Fun ::

Mood : Happy. 
Weather : Shiny.

~ hmm.. today, kind of quite an happy day for me. filled with lots of laugh together with my family. :)
Oppsss..! forgot yg arini last paper SPM my lil sis. hakhak! [last paper cam tak exam je dak tu.. haha!]
well, arini my lil sis tu da dapat full independence from SPM. [sblum ni die pra merdeka. hahaha!]
then, tadi kuar with family. my dad settle several things yg important such as settle all the bills and so on. after that, kteorang g beli makan! hahaha!

~cam biasa kalau my dad balik umah, mesti la Nasi Kandar. hahaha! arini, beli kat Line Clear. :) weeeee... my fav too actually. then, g lepak makan kat Batu Feringghi. Nikmat! [haha! mula igt nk amik gambar, but da lapar sangat and tak tahan tergoda ngan Nasi Kandar tu, so terus mkan je. hahaha! ]

~ spend time with family like this, makes me happy. [one of the reason why ak selalu nak balik umah selalu. :) never had enough with them. things i treasure the most. ]

~ balik umah, temankan mama g pasar malam. then, balik tu mandi2, terus turun watkan kek coklat for my lil sis. dia mntak watkan coz die nk bawak for jamuan die kat sekolah sok. huhu.. siapkan moist pe semua siap2.. sok tuang je atas kek. haha!

~ ingat nak wat pancake sok. tetiba teringin plak. lagipn mama tak nak beli breakfast sok, abah nak balik shah alam. so, let me prepare the breakfast for tomorrow ok? hehe.. :) [sia2 tak wat since da resepi. hasil ak bersama Mr Google semalam. haha!] 

~ funny. why i'm very eager to do a lot of things. haha! cooking [its give me some kind of feeling. happy and bahagia je rase ble masak and bg org mkan. haha! kelakar coz i have this kind of feeling. eager to cook a lot of things la.. haha! ]

~ Nazim msg td tny no fon membe lame kteorang mse g kem kat Langkawi dulu. hmm.. then, sembang2 ngan die kejap. then suddenly, i asked him to teach me on memancing! hahaha! [seriously. ntah kenapa ak teringin nk memancing. nk belajar. haha! ] nazim pn gelak coz die ckp tak sangka ak nk belajar memancing. hak2!] to be honest, byak benda ak nak wat and try. just kadang2 malas. but now, i have that kind of spirit. semangat giler nk realisasikn pe yg ak nk wat. haha! [gile ko intan! hahaha!]

~ well, tu je kot nk bebel. nnt bebel lg ye.. :) see ya on the next post k. till then, daaa..

ChocolatTeddyBear said...
~ feel a bit ok now. but still can't wait to end this year. to end this month. it's still hurt. and this month just like past few years, never be a great month for me. Its Rainy Month. always. 

Sealed With Kissed And Hugs :

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