Friday, February 25, 2011


when i'm talking about LOVE...

I'm looking for someone who can...
~ take care of me.
~always be there for me.
~always support me.
~ take me as i am.
cheer me up.
respect me.
protect me.
love me as much as he can.

Simply, i'm looking for someone who i can take as...
he will be not just as my Boyfriend but he will be my
Bestfriend. My love. My Companion.
Most important thing is 
he is willing to take care of me. love me. till the rest of my life.
give me happiness and give less possibility to break me into a pieces.
i need those SECURITY.
i'm looking for a guy like that. ;)
*ad x? klu ad, sila submit form anda di kaunter ye.. ;)

ChocolatTeddyBear said...
tired got played. tired of heart broken. i'ts time to get serious.
*to my GBS lovely Girls semua.. ni haaa post yg korang da bace aritu. bru arini ak nk publish. hahahaha!

Sealed With Hugs & Kissed :

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

:: Partner Baru Buat Petrik! ::

Partner baru buat Petrik!
hik2.. >.<
malam tu, dapat bungkusan from someone.
cm pelik gak mula tu..
"ape benda la plak kn.."
da buka...



ini lah Teddy bear peneman petrik ketika shaye ke kelas. :)
comel x? hihi..


so, sekarang atas katil den kat hostel ni haa ad 2 bnda yg den boleh pelok bile tido..
ni la dua benda kesayangan den kat sini sekarang..

Petrik and.. errr.. xde nma lagi. Ms. Teddy Bear la.. :)
selamat berkawan ye.. ;)


teddy bear ni datang dengan pakej.
dapat cekelet sekali. hik2..
thanx a lot to that person yang bagi tu. hihi..
susah2 aje.. ;)


ChocolatTeddyBear said...
after gtaw mama bout the gift, mama nk tengok gak. so, skype la ngan my lil sista.. :) mama gelak guling2 sampai jatuh kerusi. [tpoo jee.. haha!]. mama gelak je la.. iye la.. maunye tak gelak. kelakar pon ade this person. haha! my lil sista cakap, "cgt suwiiitttt.." :) hehe.. ape2 pn, THANX to that person sbb bagi Petrik kawan baru. i do Appreciate it. Funny but Adorable. ^.^

Sealed With Hugs And Kissed :

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Take Each Day As It Comes."

It's 3 something in the morning.
and i'm still can't sleep yet.

last day...
not a good day i guess.
damn.. i made a lot of mistakes.
maybe coz terlalu depressed with a lot of things and thinking too much.
*sorie my mum and lil sista.
seriously i didn't meant it.
i just couldn't control my myself i guess.
i've become the 'Beautiful Monster'! already tadik. >.<
*sesekali guung berapi ini meletus jua.. =.=" [this is why i said, i'm complicated! i can burst at any time kalau tekanan tepat. LOL] jgn igt ak nmpk lembut, xde barannya yang dahsyat... ;)

to be exact, i'm pissed off plus kadar hormon yang tidak stabil.
so, the outcome...
sangat worse.
plus ngan several things yg happen today from ferry till home.
stupid and silly thingg i've done along the way.
it's embarrassing you know! *blush* 
makes me regret.
if i turn back and look at it once again, it's not a big deal.
but.. i make it BIG. just because i'm thinking about what others said. sigh.
i'm just not being me today. why?

i'm going to laugh now. thinking about it, buatkan ak nak gelak plak.
adehhh... cam da berkurun tak balik umah naik bas je ak rase tadi. +.+
MALU siotttt..!!
kalau la ak taw nak jadi cenggitu, ak turun kat terminal je..
*tula.. berlagak sangat sem lepas. asal balik je, ad yg jemput. amik ko! dushhh!
ak mna taw sistem baru rapid skang... berhenti kat hub sementara kat simpang empat tu.
erkss.. and korang taw tak pe ak buat?
ak tekan loceng macam biase masa bas turun dari bukit.
sekali, bas masuk kot simpang tu.
aikk?? alamak! rasa cam nak sorok muka dalam beg je masa tuh! siyes. ak mallluuuuuu!!
dalam ati nyumpah2 nape ak kna turun kat cni. sigh.
as usual. me is me. walau ape pn, akan salahkan orang lain.
so, i put all the blame to my mum.
*sorie mama... :(
bile fikir2 balik, tak patut ak put the blame on my mum. tak patut bising2 tengking2 dalam kete smpai gaduh2 ngan my lil sista.
*siap tarik rambut gilerrwwss! hak2! da lme tak gaduh camtu. >.<
yela, bukan salah sesape pn. ak just tak leh terima malu tu je tadi. haaaa..
tu je main pointnye. point yang menyebabkan ak bebal tadi.
memang tu la pertama kali ak amik rapid dari jetty to home for this year.
adehhh.. no more rapid after this i guess.
ak malu gile babi ngan tadi. babi pn tak malu gile cam ak tadi. huhu..

kat ferry lak, pakcik tu treat ak cam foreigner. aishhh..
*pakcik.. saye taw la muka saye international look. seluruh asia ni haa da sy dpat gelaran. =.="
pastu, everything tukar sistem balik.
ferry aritu pkai tiket, skang pakai syilling balik.
ak plak tadi blur2 skit sbb effect sakit kepala ak alami tadi.
da malu satu hal kat sini sebab punye blur sampai kena tegur ngan brotha belakang ak. sigh.
*maraliner dok belakang, pastu dalam trans plak xleh tido. Terbaekkk arhh.. kepala da berdenyut2..

so, the conclusion is...


everything seems goes doesn't right at all.
memang rase cam nak gantung diri je sbb malu terlampau. ekekekekekek.. >.<

tapi keep positive jerk.. walaupun malu banyak kali arini. 
take it je la.. nak wat camne kan.. :)
sekali je pn. lagipun ape la sngt yg ak buat memalukan diri ak arini.
just several mistakes coz silap pilih options je kott.. ngeee~~


ChocolatTeddyBear said...
I'm pissed Off. that's why mood tak bagus arini. to my mum and lil sista, I am very2 sorry for all those things. for all those words. inappropriate words of course. :( promise i'll try to control myself later. ak agak panas baran siket lately. i guess due to the changes of hormones. something goes wrong somewhere. i don't know what. still trying to figure out about it. SORRY FOR TODAY. Supposed it's a HAPPY DAY FOR BEING HOME but it's suddenly turn out like that. i'm SORRY. désolé.  :(
*but.. da ok da ngan mama and my lil sista. camtu la.. ngamuk kejap je sy ni. huhu.. [elok la ak tendang kipas angin bagai tadi. =.=" seb bek tak rosak.. klau rosak, camne nak tido malam ni. huhu..]

Sealed With Hugs And Kissed:
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